The Gender Bias in Physics Forum Privacy Policy

Mission   -   Moderators   -   Privacy Policy   -   Terms of Use   -   Acceptable Use

Privacy Policy Overview

The Gender Bias in Physics Forum is a part of the ComPADRE Digital Library and National Science Digital Library and managed by the American Association of Physics Teachers.

Individuals must create an account to use the database and forum aspects of the Gender Bias in Physics Forum. Any contributions will be attributed to the user's account profile, unless the user chooses the “anonymous post” option. An anonymous post is anonymous to other users, but NOT to the Moderators of the Forum. ComPADRE does not otherwise disclose, give, or transfer personally identifiable information to third parties unless required by law.

Aggregated usage information is collected for statistical purposes and may be used to help improve the site. All usage information is collected such that an individual's use cannot be distinguished.

Personal Information Use

The Gender Bias in Physics Forum does not disclose, give, or transfer identifiable information to third parties unless required by law.

User Contributions

Registered users may provide resource recommendations, forum postings, or other contributions to the Forum. Such contributions are attributed to the name of the user making them. The Moderators of the Forum reserve the right to remove content that does not match the mission of the Forum.

If you wish to participate, please remember that information disclosed is available for viewing by other members of this community. Please exercise caution when deciding to disclose any sensitive information on the Forum. Never submit content if you do not have the authority to share that information publicly.

Outside Links and Content

This site contains links to other sites. The Gender Bias in Physics Forum is not responsible for the privacy practices or content of such Web sites. If you have concerns regarding a website we link to, we encourage you to contact us regarding your concerns.


A cookie is a small piece of information that is sent to your browser when you access a Web page. A session cookie is a line of text that is stored temporarily in your computer's memory. Because a session cookie is never saved, it is destroyed when you close your browser. The Gender Bias in Physics Forum uses session cookies during user visits to save preferences. If you have session cookies disabled, you may not be able to use certain features of our site.

A persistent cookie is a more permanent line of text that is saved by your browser to a file on your hard drive. The only persistent cookie regularly used by the Forum is for registered users that choose to use the Auto-Login feature. Such cookies expire 30 days from login.

Web Site Usage

Usage patterns of the Gender Bias in Physics site are automatically logged to help diagnose problems, analyze trends, and improve the usability and performance of the site. User access is anonymous and IP addresses are not linked to personally identifiable information.

In addition to internal logs, Google Analytics is used for logging. No personally identifiable information is provided to these logging services by the Forum.


Data provided to the Forum may be used for research purposes to support reducing bias for women in physics. When appropriate, such research projects will be approved by an Institutional Review Board governed by Title 45 Part 46 of the Code of Federal Regulations.

Approved research will be described at least 30 days prior to the research on the Forum. If any research on the Forum results in a publication, users of the website will be notified on the front page of the site.

Account Deletion

To have your user account removed from our database, please contact us.

Policy Feedback

If you have questions or concerns regarding this policy, please contact us.